RMS started the Free Software Movement, the FSF and the GNU operating system. He wrote a big piece of the initial software for GNU, including GCC and GNU Emacs, including the widely used free software license, the GNU GPL.
Fil is a developer from Italy. He wrote the software that made it possible for easy use of USB WiFi adapters on Replicant phones, which currently is the only possible way use WiFi on Replicant.
A free software hacker and a social activist from Minnesota, USA. Kurtis is an active member in the Replicant and the Libreboot community and he's also a Technoethical team member.
Denis started contributing code to free software by working on SHR (a distribution for the Openmoko). He did all the low level work at the beginning of Replicant. Worked on Coreboot on the GPU initialization of the Thinkpad X60 with the help of Ron Minnich, Peter Stuge, and Vladimir Serbinenko. He also worked on the port of the C155 to NuttX with Alan Carvallo De Assis.
Senya is software developer who is based in Ukraine. He contributes code to diaspora* social network and supports the free software movement since his school years. Worked as an Embedded Software developer at a few companies. Interests are: programming languages, crypto currencies, internet privacy and world liberation.
Founder of Fundația Ceata, the foundation for free software and free culture based in Romania that organizes Coliberator. Founder of Technoethical, an online shop with the largest catalog of hardware devices certified by the Free Software Foundation.
Florentin is a hardware enthusiast, that has been involved in promoting libre technology since 2012, and since then has held a few presentations related to hardware compatibility with free software.
Dumitru Ursu is a Free Software supporter, developer and advocate. He started his career as a software developer, but recently he got into hardware hacking and electronics.
Free software activist from Bulgaria, since 2008. Programming and computer graphics teacher since 2011, member of Technoethical since 2017. Founder of LibTec - an institute for education and development of libre technologies.
Legal adviser (www.Advocati.org) specialized in industrial relations and regulations of digital environment. Founder of www.SwitchFree.eu project related to the philosophy and policies of free software, hardware and governence.
Manager by formal education, web developer by necessity, hacker by choice. Founder of Hatch hackerspace, based in Bucharest, Romania.
Software developer from Bulgaria with 12 years of experience in the sphere of Artificial Intelligence: knowledge bases, graph databases, information extraction, natural language processing. His other interests are in neural networks & genetic algorithms, image recognition, also in 3D (raytracing), VR, hardware (microcontrolers, sensors, 3D printers, robotics, electronic circuits & PCB design). He has also written parsers, interpreters (mainly of LISP-like functional languages), simple emulators, disassemblers and debuggers (backward-in-time debugging is my favourite). Has a strong passion of mathematics, natural sciences && bikes.